
Showing posts from June, 2019

5 Secrets Of Workplace Etiquettes

5 Secret Work Place Etiquette's Workplace etiquettes or manners and professionalism/ code of behavioural conduct in an organization are very important for a healthy working atmosphere. While a workplace brings different people with different beliefs together, they often misconduct and don’t follow office values or ethics. These things must be checked to maintain a healthy workplace. So, what are the secrets to workplace etiquettes? What should be done to keep in check the rising misconducts within an organization? Let’s have a look in this article. Factors to note Good professionalism is followed to check whether the productivity of an organization is being hampered or whether an employee due to his/her bad manners attracting too much negative attention which might be harmful to the companies. Hence, companies set codes of conduct within an organization. However, there are also some unspoken rules which one should abide by. Listed below are five factors which each em...

5 Ways to Strengthen your Will Power

5 Ways to Strengthen your Will Power  For a happy and successful life one needs to have a strong will power. It isn't in-built, but need to work upon that can help in having successful career path. We come across various challenges in our life, be it while joining the gym or taking up a new job. Overcoming the fear and moving ahead to face challenge is when we need will power. According to Akshay Agarwal, from The Psychological Solutions, the best way to strengthen your will power or self-control is by thinking positive. Being mentally tough is really important that can help in taking up the challenge and set success. Before we learn steps on how to make your will power strong, first need to check what exactly it is-  What is willpower?  According to Kelly McGonigal, PhD and author of The Willpower Instinct, willpower is a response that comes from both brain and the body. The willpower response is a reaction to an internal conflict. You want to do one thing,...