5 Ways to Strengthen your Will Power

5 Ways to Strengthen your Will Power 

For a happy and successful life one needs to have a strong will power. It isn't in-built, but need to work upon that can help in having successful career path. We come across various challenges in our life, be it while joining the gym or taking up a new job. Overcoming the fear and moving ahead to face challenge is when we need will power. According to Akshay Agarwal, from The Psychological Solutions, the best way to strengthen your will power or self-control is by thinking positive. Being mentally tough is really important that can help in taking up the challenge and set success. Before we learn steps on how to make your will power strong, first need to check what exactly it is- 

What is willpower? 

According to Kelly McGonigal, PhD and author of The Willpower Instinct, willpower is a response that comes from both brain and the body. The willpower response is a reaction to an internal conflict. You want to do one thing, such as smoke a cigarette or supersize your lunch, but know you shouldn’t. Or you know you should do something, like file your taxes or go to the gym, but you’d rather do nothing.

Now let us check some of the steps to increase our willpower-

1. Increasing the capacity of Pressure-

We face professional and personal pressure that takes away some sort of energy. Being under high level of stress means our body consumes much of the energy and becomes difficult to make short-term decision. To gain the energy back and bring down the stress level, one way is by stopping to take deep breath when feel overwhelmed or tempted. This will also help in increasing the capacity of pressure. 

2. Encouraging self to step with the plan-

This perfectly goes when we decide to join gym. We plan in advance, but when it comes to joining the same, we end up skipping it. According to one study, finding the difference between “I can’t” and “I don’t.” is really important. Between the two,’ I don't’ have shown more effective in helping to stick to the plan. So everytime try saying "If I Don't" to certain activity, which will encourage you perform it and bring positive reaction. 

3. Meditate- 

Meditation is certainly the best way to power your mind and control it. Moreover, it will make certain part of the brain bigger and better-connected to other regions that controls. Even just spend 10 minutes of meditation can really help your mind to settle and be calm during stress. This will literally change the physiology of the willpower.

 4. Using the Imagination-

Imagination is certainly the powerful technique that can help in improving willpower. Our body responds what we imagine and what we experience. For instance, if you imagine listening to the waves gently lapping the shore and tasting the salty sea air and relax. This way you can take advantage in building the willpower. 

5. Adopt Good Habits that will take your stress out- 

One of the best ways to build willpower is to adopt good habits. People usually resort to old habits without thinking much of the result. This certainly brings more damage to the lifestyle and more stress. So the best way is to adopt good habits which will take your stress away.


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