3 Books That Will Help You Create a Better Future

“That’s the thing about Books; they let you travel without moving your feet.”

Let’s know what exactly is a good book?

Each one of us has a different perspective on this particular subject- books. Many great authors have found what to read and what not to. According to these great authors, “A good book is the treasured wealth of the world.”

There are times when things do not work out your way in life or if you wish to create a better future, then this article is for you. Akshay Agarwal from The Psychology Solutions is one of the leading best motivational speakers in Delhi has hand-picked a few books that you will thank your future self for a better tomorrow! Let’s dive in.

1. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Who doesn’t wish to be successful one fine day? Learn from the most successful people who have already tasted success in their life and have stepped ahead in their lives! The author has portrayed the beautiful description of the habits of the best leaders. Covey couldn’t pen down his thoughts more beautifully. Don’t believe us? Read this book and rest assured, that the perspective of your life and time-management will change in no time.

2. The Alchemist

One of the best-selling by Paulo Coelho. The blended spiritual truth has empowered a lot of readers. The author has crafted an intriguing storyline of a young shepherd to make this book immortal. The book has a particular statement that says, “When you want something, all the Universe conspire in helping you to achieve it.” There are many more such verses which make this novel worth the read. You will understand how to cope up in a difficult situation and hard times. What a wow feature, where some motivation has combined with fictional drama.

3. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience

What if we ask about your most-favourite or remembered experiences? The answer must revolve around a trip with dearest friends/family? This might be your answer. Give this book shot for a read and it promises to change your perspective about experiences. The author displays in reality how he went on to show how you can bring flow in your life and channel it to achieve the unthinkable.

There are many inspirational books out there was our personal favourite which assures to deliver instant results. Pick these books up and read, you will surely see a transformation begin. Which is your favourite self-improvement book that has changed your life? Feel free to share it with us in the comments section below. For any queries, you may contact us at +91-9818912692 or drop us an e-mail at contact@thepsychologysolutions.com


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